Ashley Sebera, known as Dana Brooke to the WWE fanbase, is a 31-year-old wrestler trying to put together the puzzle pieces of her life. Fans may also know her as...
Category - People of Miami
Annie M. is an upcoming Cuban-American artist. Annie was born and raised in Miami and has always been interested in painting and filling colors into everything she sees...
Daniella Levine Cava has served on the County Commission since 2014 and has been an advocate for Miami Dade communities for 40 years. In her time as a County...
Commissioner Eileen Higgins tops off her community food distributions with a total of 35,000 boxes distributed since the Covid-19 pandemic began up until this weekend’s...
The COVID-19 pandemic shut down many restaurants and nightclubs, putting many workers out of jobs. These workers include dancers like Isabella Amore, who was a dancer at...
District 5 Commissioner Eileen Higgins recently championed legislation that will dramatically improve public transit in Miami-Dade by improving rider experience...
Commissioner Daniella Levine Cava sponsored a resolution that advocates for the use of CARES Act funds to support nonprofits and not-for-profit organizations In an...
Cristina Rivera Correa was recently appointed as a County Court Judge for the Eleventh Judicial Court. The 35 year old took her oath at the office of Kiwanis of Little...
Miami-Dade County Commissioner Eileen Higgins, District 5, has demonstrated the leadership and courage required of an elected representative during the COVID-19 pandemic
ArtServe Live Cultural Convo, sponsored by WLRN, will take place on August 10, allowing artists the chance to take part in a conversation about how art can change the...