The City of Miami's Opportunity Center is currently prepared to accept resumes from local residents that are or will be looking for employment so they can do a better...
Category - Miami News
8 Burger on Calle Ocho wants you to try their burger from home during the stay at home order Little Havana is thriving with Latin culture and ambiance, and many...
Business owners must pay their rent eventually if they plan to stay open after the pandemic and West Miami Pawn shop can help COVID-19 has caused financial issues for...
Cuba’s Communist Dictatorship Suspends International Flights after requests from Mayor Gimenez Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez has previously sent letters to...
If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, there are a few testing COVID-19 Testing Centers in Miami-Dade County. All COVID-19 Testing Centers are drive-thru only...
We can all use some good news these days so here’s a small dose we call Paying it forward to San Juan Bosco It’s the dawn of a new day. Everything has changed–– and it...
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has limited communication among residents in Miami. Residents are under a stay-at-home order in order to stop the spread of the...
What does April have to do with Jesus, sexual assault, child abuse, and human trafficking? April is that time of year that means different things to different people but...
For business owners, money from business interruption insurance may represent a glimmer of hope during these uncertain times Dennis Gonzalez Jr. is a Miami-based...
Individuals who may be eligible during the COVID-19 public health crisis may include those who are quarantined by a doctor or government agency