Vaccine tourism has largely replaced vacation tourism. All it takes to get vaccinated is a flight to Florida.
Search Results For - desantis
As the number of COVID-19 cases in Miami-Dade country grows out of proportion, the administration is still searching for viable solutions.
As COVID-19 continues to spread, thanksgiving is just around the corner. To limit the spread, Miami-Dade is asking residents to stay at home.
The exact date for the reopening of the schools is yet to be defined, but Miami-Dade County Public Schools Superintendent, Alberto Carvalho, was confident that he will...
Federal government purchases 150 million of a new COVID-19 test and Florida wants in A new rapid COVID-19 test called BinaxNOW has recently hit the market and Florida...
After the flash flooding that occurred in late May, Governor Ron DeSantis called on the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to make a disaster declaration to...
The Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (FRLA) recently hosted a distribution event in Sergio’s Restaurant at the Doral location, inviting U.S. Surgeon General...
Cristina Rivera Correa was recently appointed as a County Court Judge for the Eleventh Judicial Court. The 35 year old took her oath at the office of Kiwanis of Little...
Miami Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez recently released the first draft of the guidelines local businesses should expect to follow as Phase I of the reopening begins.
Individuals who may be eligible during the COVID-19 public health crisis may include those who are quarantined by a doctor or government agency