Care Resource offers accessible and affordable healthcare to all, so if you happen to be paying extra attention to your health and wellness this Spring read on
Care Resource is an organization that is helping Miami-Dade locals access affordable healthcare regardless of gender, social class, age, or other factors, by setting up various healthcare centers across the region. They have shared a list of essential tips for better health in spring, including the following advice:
Scheduling a health and wellness routine physical
A yearly physical exam is extremely important for getting an overview of your health and picking up or ruling out issues that may have occurred. If you haven’t had your annual physical yet, there’s no better time than now to set up an appointment with a healthcare provider you trust.
Checking blood work
Additionally, getting your complete bloodwork is also important to check for internal issues and complications. It can help identify early markers of various conditions from anemia and cancer to hypertension.
Getting all vaccinations done
Spring is also the perfect time to get vaccinated. Seasonal diseases, COVID vaccines, booster shots, and others are important for immunization, and both adults and children can and should get their shots ASAP.

Adding physical activity to one’s routine
Spring is also the perfect time to commit to more physical activity and exercise. The weather is great, and it’s the perfect time of year to start spending more time outdoors, going on walks, hikes, or just doing some yoga in the park.
Effectively managing stress
Stress management is something that cannot be stressed enough pun intended and Care Resource advocates for effective strategies ASAP. Stress wreaks havoc on your mind and body and can impact you in ways you don’t realize, making it crucial to find rest, take breaks, and actively release stress.
Improving hydration
With the weather getting even warmer, it’s important to improve hydration and stay healthy. This spring, commit to drinking at least eight glasses of water a day, cut back on alcohol and other dehydrating foods and drinks, and keep cool.
Focusing on behavioral health and wellness
Lastly, pay attention to your mental, emotional, and behavioral health and wellness too. Don’t dismiss feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression, and seek support from your loved ones and professionals. Everyone deserves to feel loved and seen, and Care Resource is here to help.
About Care Resource
Care Resource is a non-profit organization and FQHC that has health centers in Midtown Miami, Little Havana, Fort Lauderdale, Miami Beach. It focuses on offering affordable services, including routine visits, immunizations, dentistry, podiatry, screenings, nutrition consultations, and disease management, among other services.
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