Enjoy your time in the city with these Miami activities to check out around town
Miami has so many incredible and fun things to do when you’re in town this summer, including some very unique events and activities that are only around for a couple of months. These activities range from exhibits and museums to some wonderful performances and of course, some serious adventure-filled happenings.
You can plan your trip with these Miami activities or schedule them into your summer plans if you’re already in town.
These are some of our favorite Miami activities:
1. Glimpse into the future at Renewal 2121
Renewal 2121 is an interactive exhibit that’s on display and is definitely a top choice as far as Miami activities go till the end of August 2022. The exhibit gives us a creative look-see into the future, using everything from drinks to displays to create a futuristic display. It focuses on exploring the role of nature growing out in full bloom and in its complete capacity while existing alongside other forms of development, including skyscrapers and concrete jungles. It’s a gorgeous exhibit that also puts things into perspective. Learn more about the exhibit, and get your tickets today!
2. Go on a fun date to Superblue Miami
Superblue Miami is back with a bang, and you can expect to enjoy this space to the fullest if you’re planning to head there any time soon. They have some of the most experimental art exhibits and displays, including some very trippy sculptures and sections. You can make it even more interesting by going on a date with a special someone, enjoying the gorgeous artwork and the company simultaneously. Find details on these Miami activities you wont want to miss about schedules and tickets here.

3. Rent out a party bus with your friends
Looking for the ultimate party? Why not throw your own? Rent out the ultimate party bus, Loco Bus Miami, which is run by three young men who will customize your party experience like never before. From a custom set to live music, they’re perfect for hosting some incredible events and parties or just changing things up from boring old clubs. You can also learn more about the owners of this business and their incredible journey as entrepreneurs here.
4. Or go on a party boat and turn things up
Alternatively, if you’re on the lookout for another kind of fun party destination, Miami’s boat parties are some of the best in the world, if we do say so ourselves. There are dozens of party boats around town that you can rent for special occasions or get tickets to for general entry and parties. You can also rent a private boat and charter it along with your own plans for something more fun and exciting, using these tips and recommendations for a successful boating adventure.
5. Connect with nature down at Jungle Island eco-park
Not big on parties and indoor spaces? Connect with nature at Miami’s gorgeous Jungle Island eco-park. The park focuses on being an ethical zoo, providing a sanctuary to its inhabitants rather than toying with them for display. Animals from around the world are homed here, and you get to see them in their habitats living comfortably. It’s a great option for kids and families, as well as animal and outdoor enthusiasts, combining nature with adventure and accessibility!
You can learn more about the best activities, travel, and tourism content, and much more through Calle Ocho News as we make recommendations and share insights. Subscribe to our news publication for all the latest news, events, and much more from Miami-Dade.
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