Miami News

House Republicans approve Born Alive Bill

The Born Alive Bill raises concerns from Democrats and health care providers

After the Supreme Court's monumental decision to overturn the historic 1973 Roe vs. Wade verdict last year, House Republicans are putting abortion at the forefront of their policy priorities in the new Congress. On Wednesday, almost every Democrat voted against the Born Alive Bill. A bill that would mandate emergency medical assistance for newborns delivered alive following an abortion attempt.

About the Born Alive Bill

Rep. Ann Wagner proposed the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act" on Monday, which was submitted to a House vote on Monday. On Wednesday, the GOP-led House voted to adopt the Born Alive Bill where doctors would be required to try and save the life of a baby in the unlikely case that the infant is alive following an abortion attempt. Although the Democratic-controlled Senate is unlikely to take up the Born Alive Bill, its success in the House would provide the incoming Republican majority a chance to send a message. Upon a tally of 220 votes to 210, the passage was approved.

Medical professionals who fail to provide the necessary level of care would be subject to fines and/or imprisonment of up to five years under the terms of the proposed legislation. The mother would be shielded from any legal action under this Born Alive Bill, and she would not face any penalty.

premature baby and close up of his feet

What opponents say about the bill

Those who disagree with these laws say they make it more difficult for women to get an abortion because doctors and clinics are afraid of being sued. Intentional infanticide is already a crime under US law if the baby is delivered alive.

South Carolina Republican Rep. Nancy Mace, an outspoken critic of her party's message on abortion, recently urged Republican leadership to strike a balance between women's rights and the right to life. She warned that the party risks losing support from moderate voters if it continues to focus solely on pro-choice rhetoric. She supported both abortion measures, but she was concerned about the potential for a federal ban to contain provisions that would force women to disclose rapes or put abortion providers in jail.

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