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State's stand on recreational marijuana challenged by Florida's Supreme Court

Florida Supreme Court baffled by arguments against the 2024 recreational marijuana amendment, as the state questions clarity and federal legality.

In a high-stakes courtroom drama, the Florida Supreme Court has raised eyebrows and questions regarding the state's opposition to a proposed recreational marijuana amendment. With the potential to reshape Florida's cannabis landscape, the justices grilled the state's arguments during a recent hearing.

So what has happened that has ‘baffled’ the courts so much? Read on to find out.

'Baffled' Supreme Court questions state's stand

Justice Charles Canady, speaking at a recent hearing, voiced his confusion at the Attorney General's effort to have the amendment deemed inadmissible. The state's primary argument is based on the fact that it claims voters may be misled into thinking marijuana is lawful under federal law while, in fact, the federal government still prohibits the drug.

State attorneys argued that the summary's use of the word "allows" was misleading regarding the scope of federal law. Although Justice John Couriel noted that the summary said that it doesn't alter or protect violations of federal law, this contradicted the state's story.

Close-up of a marijuana plant with green leaves and buds

Florida Supreme Court grills state over recreational marijuana ballot summary

The state stated that voters could be misled into thinking that they are approving additional licenses for marijuana distribution because of the wording of the ballot summary. Chief Justice Carlos Muiz posed a logical question, wondering why a voter who is in favor of recreational marijuana would be opposed to it due to preferences in the market system.

John Bash, speaking for the amendment's sponsor, Smart & Safe Florida, defended the summary's readability. He stressed the court's reluctance to delete ballot wording by arguing that the language was consistent with its prior findings on constitutional amendments pertaining to marijuana.

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