Health & Beauty Miami News

FDA's new director is responsible for overseeing the vaping market

Dr. Brian King’s plans to regulate the vaping market by outlining regulations

Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Tobacco Products’ new director, Dr. Brian King, has a task at hand—regulating the vaping and e-cigarette industry.

The FDA was asked to investigate approximately a million submissions regarding e-cigarettes and similar products, mainly ones that employ nicotine manufactured in laboratories. Unfortunately, the organization has missed its summer target and is currently facing a backlog in studying these products.

Here’s what you need to know.   

Vaping regulation attempts by the FDA

In early summer, the FDA attempted to ban Juul’s products, the top e-cigarette manufacturer. However, they’ve been pressurized to put a hold on the prohibition after the company sent a court challenge.

Congressional representatives have criticized the FDA for not taking Juul and other e-cigarettes with a record of usage by minors off the market. Robert Califf, the FDA commissioner, has mandated an outside evaluation of the tobacco center in response to these criticisms.

The long-awaited plan to outlaw menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars is currently being finalized by King and his staff.

Brian King’s take on the matter

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As Brian King has a crucial matter to tackle, a lot is going on. Talking about proposals to alter the nation's tobacco landscape, King has been clear that the FDA is concerned about tobacco usage amongst the youth and strives to draft standards that will make a change.

King has also expressed his views about how vaping can help individuals quit smoking. He shares that smoking tobacco products traverse the blood-brain blockade to dispense nicotine. So, it can be challenging to match that efficiency.

However, Dr. Brian King claims nicotine salts can be an effective way to have the same effects as these products. Unfortunately, the problem is the youth might also retort to similar methods.

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