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No More Parking Lot Nightmares! Florida Enacts New Consumer Protections

Are you heading to the mall in FL? The new law requires clear parking fees and rules.

A trip to the mall or a night out could often become a parking headache in Florida. Unclear signage, surprise towing, and exorbitant fees were all too common. But as of July 1, 2024, a new state law aimed to change that.

House Bill 271, signed by Governor Ron DeSantis in April, introduces consumer-friendly regulations for private parking facilities across the Sunshine State. This long-awaited legislation brings much-needed transparency and fairness to the industry, offering drivers peace of mind when navigating private parking lots.

Transparency takes center stage

One of the biggest changes revolves around signage. Gone are the days of squinting at faded signs with confusing legalese. The new law mandates that parking facilities prominently display their rates and rules. This includes hourly parking fees, late fees, and any consequences for violating parking regulations. The signage must be clear, concise, and easily visible from all entry points.

This increased transparency empowers drivers. They can now make informed decisions before entering a lot, avoiding unpleasant surprises later. No more hidden fees or getting towed for unknowingly exceeding a poorly advertised time limit.

Short term parking sign with 30-minute maximum limit.

Grace periods and fair towing practices

The new law also introduces a 15-minute grace period. This allows drivers who enter a lot by mistake or simply need to pick up someone at a window to exit without facing a parking fee. Theme parks and large entertainment complexes are exempt from this provision, but for everyday errands and quick stops, this grace period offers a layer of leniency.

Another point of contention addressed by the law is towing. While not directly regulating the towing industry itself, HB 271 works in conjunction with House Bill 179, another recently enacted law, to ensure fair towing practices.

HB 179 requires towing companies to disclose their prices online and establishes a system for investigating complaints about excessive fees. Additionally, it mandates that towing companies accept multiple forms of payment, preventing situations where drivers are forced to scramble for cash to get their vehicles back.

What's not included (and what drivers can do)

It's important to note that the new law has its limitations. It doesn't apply to parking facilities associated with specific entities like lodging establishments, mobile home parks, or recreational vehicle parks. These areas are regulated under different Florida Statutes. Additionally, the law doesn't address booting, a practice where a wheel immobilization device is placed on a vehicle to prevent it from being driven.

However, even with these limitations, HB 271 is a significant step forward for Florida drivers. Here's what you can do to take advantage of the new regulations:

  • Be a savvy parker: Always look for clearly displayed signage before entering a private parking lot. Familiarize yourself with the rates, rules, and grace period.
  • Challenge unfair fees: If you believe you've been unfairly charged, don't hesitate to contest it. The new law requires parking facilities to have a clear procedure for appealing fees.
  • Know your rights: Familiarize yourself with the details of HB 271 and HB 179. This knowledge can empower you to avoid unnecessary charges and deal with parking disputes confidently.

The new law may not eliminate all parking lot frustrations, but it certainly levels the playing field for Florida drivers. With increased transparency, fairer towing practices, and a chance to avoid unnecessary fees, navigating private parking lots should become a less stressful experience. So, the next time you head out, keep an eye out for those clear signs. They might just save you a parking lot headache.

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