As I drive down the street, we all know as “Calle Ocho” or any other street in Miami Dade County for that matter. I feel like I am witnessing the beginning of the end I have read so much about. But is it really? Is this even real? What will be the result of the Coronavirus Covid19 for Miami Dade?
As a community leader we want you to know we feel you. We know you are scared. We know you are surprised. We know you have no idea what will happen tomorrow much less a month from now. This is called uncertainty. Uncertainty can bring about anxiety.
We feel the same, but we are committed to continue to do what we do because we are considered an “essential service” and with that comes our promise to you that we will make the sacrifices and adjustments we need to make to weather this storm. Not just as a local small business but as individuals that form a collective and that make up a city, a state, a nation, and a world that is fighting together against this unprecedented situation.
In January we launched our “working juntos” campaign and now, two months later, we are hit with a pandemic that has forced us all to stick together, but at least 6 feet apart.
Now more than ever we need your help too. We need you to visit our website and like our social media channels @calleochonews so that we can stay connected and you can be up to date with available resources we will inform you of as the Coronavirus COVID19 progresses.
We must unite and have FAITH in PEOPLE which were put here by God. He ultimately gave us the gift of CHOICE. What or who will you choose today with that gift?
In times like this, you need to decide if you are a leader or if you are a follower. We need both to survive and it doesn’t matter which one you choose because if you give your 120 percent to whichever road you choose that is really all that matters.
If you are a leader, now is your time to shine. It is easy to be a leader when times are easy. The word easy is relative when you think about it. If I had asked any of you if your life was hard a month ago what would you have said? HA! There you go… Now, you see the difference between hard and easy.
If it were not for these hard times you would never be able to recognize a month ago as easy, would you? It is all in how you see things and I feel this year is all about seeing more clearly hence the numbers 2020 not being a coincidence.
If you are a follower then, now is also your time to shine and follow your leader, trust in their judgement. That is why they are leaders and you are a part of their army regardless of the size, you play a huge role.
We are living times where we know we can only see OUR piece of the puzzle and trust me this puzzle is enormous. Things are never what they seem, and we will only know what we need to know as time goes by.
In seeing more clearly, I can tell you that there are many good things coming from this Corona Virus that a lot of people already see. Families are spending time together and people are reevaluating where they have set their priorities and reprioritizing accordingly.

People are realizing how fragile things that really matter are. What really matters? Family, food, health, water, and a roof over our heads that is what it all really boils down to. Oh yeah and those N95 masks those are necessary right now too. Big wake up call for our medical industry and its lack of preparedness for such a crisis as the Coronavirus COVID19.
We are realizing the joys in going for a walk, the importance of soaking up the sun, the benefits of eating healthy and supporting our immune system all the while slowing down our pace. Canals are clearing up; the Earth is cooling down and we are all forced to take the time to smell the roses as some would say.
Be a part of the solution not the problem.
If you are upon the people that are at home worrying, eating sugar, drinking alcohol, binging on the news then I must be the one to tell you that you are not part of the solution. The reason that we are all home and confined is to stay healthy and stop the spread of the Coronavirus Covid19. Because the way that the medical industry is currently built cannot sustain an influx of patients simultaneously.

So, we MUST DO OUR PART not just by staying home but by making better CHOICES about our health, in general. Better choices for and by EVEYRONE. Better choices for our bodies, for our families, for our earth, and for soul.
I think the real question we need to ask ourselves is what will our choices be tomorrow when we have more options to choose from?
I am not trying to imply that work is not important and that when life gets back to normal you should quit your job. I think it’s a matter of balance in life. Too much of anything is bad and so we must find an equilibrium in our choices that do not tax any system that is part of our survival in general.
We must choose US because in choosing US everything else will fall into place. We cannot take care of anything if we neglect ourselves. When we neglect ourselves, we neglect our health, family and our planet, Mother Earth.