There are many drugs for diabetes, but Tzield is a total game changer for patients with type 1
Type 1 diabetes is almost always found in young adults, meaning that lifestyle changes are necessary very early on. While diabetes has many treatments but no cures, the FDA took a massive step forward when a approved Tzield, a drug for diabetes that, instead of managing the symptoms, can delay the onset of the illness.
The difference Tzield makes for patients
Tzield may not cure or prevent diabetes entirely, but with a disease that weighs so heavily on patients with restrictions, being able to spend a little more time before becoming clinical is a huge step. Pediatric patients as young as 8 can find themselves diagnosed with stage 3 type 1 diabetes, but now doctors can slow its progression with simple intravenous injections. This means patients can get ahead of the problem, especially if they know they’re at risk.
People with diabetic family members are at higher risk for type 1, which means that regular medical check-ins could help them maintain a normal lifestyle for as long as possible.

Is it safe?
Prior to receiving FDA approval, Tzield was put through a series of tests and trials to ensure its efficacy and safety for patients. All approved drugs, for diabetes or not, are put through a rigorous process to ensure that what eventually reaches the public is fully understood by the pharmaceutical industry. Type 1 diabetes occurs when the immune system attacks local cells, making it highly dangerous.
Testing involved 76 patients, who each received Tzield or a placebo so that the effects could be comprehensively studied. These tests found that the recipients of the actual drug experienced a much slower progression from stage 2 to 3.
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