Health & Beauty Miami News People of Miami

The Power of Essential Oils for Health, Hope and Happiness

For thousands of years, pure essential oils have provided simple health solutions. Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems,roots, flowers, and other parts of plants.

The complex molecular structure of pure essential oils goes right to work on the damaged cells of the body, entering the bloodstream quickly, bringing instructions to repair, renew or replace. Health is reclaimed and new energy is found.

There are numerous reports of effectiveness in the essential oil community, bringing hope where there was none. I have heard, read and experienced many personal stories of hopeless situations. Luckily I have been able to  address and help  by following careful protocols with essential oils.

Our organic bodies were designed to heal themselves when given the right organic assistance. It just makes sense!

Happiness is a matter of choice but when issues of life overwhelm and begin to crowd in, a little help is in order. Our limbic system, along with our emotional brain, is connected to our sense of smell. Essential oil scents release the body’s natural hormones that relax the mind and body and with no side effects!

The Ways to Use Essential Oils are Simple and Effective

  • Topically: Use on the body’s largest organ, the skin. This can be done directly on the area of concern, using 1-3 drops.  Application directly on the sole of the feet, behind the ears, on the wrists or along the spine will bring relief, comfort and immune support. Knowledge of reflexology can assist with application of essential oils for relief. Aroma touch, an essential oil application technique of 8 essential oils, is one of the best ways to experience the benefits topically.
  • Aromatically: This involves inhaling a fine mist that has evaporated from the oil. A cold air diffuser is suggested. Inhalation effects mood, cleanses air and opens airways. It also can affect memory, hormones and emotions throughout the olfactory system.
  • Internally: While not all brands of essential oils can be taken internally, FDA has approved the use of some for internal use. Make sure they have the designation of GRAS standard. Internal use is most beneficial for  the digestive system, mouth, throat, liver, urogenital tract and cleansing.

Continuing education is the key to discovering the power of pure essential oils. I encourage you to research and study this highly effective path for health, hope and happiness.

Recommended reading: the Essential Life, 4th edition

Helen AlspaughAbout the Author: Helen Al spaugh is the owner and wellness advocate of WiseHealing. She is a people helper, certified Aroma Touch therapist, dynamic public speaker, professional storyteller, musician, line dancer, active Cross Fitter, wife, mother, and co-founder of Sozo Miami, an inner healing group. (

Always practical and sometimes funny, Helen offers hands-on classes and lectures while sharing stories and science about the effectiveness of doTERRA essential oils for bringing a healthy lifestyle into every part of your household.

786-251-1386         [email protected] FB: Wise Healing

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