Environmental violations on Biscayne Bay will now face stricter charges and penalties
As of mid June 2022, Miami-Dade ounty raised penalties on environmental violations that pollute Miami-Dade's waters, particularly in Biscayne Bay. After two decades, these fines will be changed after adjusting for inflation and the severity of the violations.
Biscayne Bay is one of the most gorgeous tourist spots in Miami, and the county is taking action to protect it.
Here's more on the recent envionmental violations environmental violations fine increases:
Why the fines are being increased
The new, increased fines focus on environmental violations that negatively affect county water quality. This covers pollutant discharges to ground or surface waters along with unlawful activities in Miami's wetlands and other surface waterways. Prohibited sanitary and stormwater sewer discharges will also be fined.
The fines for certain violations, such as failing to get operating permits, have more than doubled. If you discharge prohibited substances into county waters, you now face a $2,500 fine instead of the previous $200 fine amount.

About the environmental violations in question
The Environmental Resources Management Division (DERM) of the Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources is in charge of the county's pollution laws and environmental regulations. Environmental offenses that will be punished more severely include sanitary and other nuisances, waste disposal, effluent discharge offenses to sanitary sewers, and more.
This is a crucial step towards better environmental protection and responsibility in Miami-Dade County. Residents can find more details on the fines and environmental violations involved here.
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