Fashion & Style

3 Miami Plants You Can Grow at Home

Are you thinking about setting up an indoor or outdoor garden? Perhaps a vertical garden or something cozy on your balcony? Whether you’re looking for strictly indoor plants, or plants for your small home or apartment, or something you can even grow in your yard, we’ve got some great Miami plants you can count on as recommendations.

The following Miami plants will not just acclimate to Miami weather; they will thrive, so you can easily grow them in your home:


Bright and fiery, like the Florida sun, Coreopsis flowers are some of the most unique flora that you can grow at home. It’s a beautiful species and thrives in the south Florida weather, making it perfect for adding a pop of color to your yard. You can also grow it in pots but be sure to care for it and give it plenty of sun.


You’d think that orchids are incredibly dainty, frail flowers that wouldn’t acclimate to hot weather, right? But they’re surprisingly attuned to Florida weather and will grow exceptionally well, although you should ensure that they’re not exposed to excessive heat. Heat damage can hurt your flowers, so it’s best to grow them indoors or parts that are shaded. Here are some tips from the American Orchid Society on caring for your plants.

Bamboo palms

The bamboo palm is another beautiful plant that will do well in your Miami home. They can be a little tricky to grow indoors but generally do quite well and add a hint of color, brightness, and a lot of flair to your spaces. You can learn more about caring for bamboo palms here before you head to your local nursery and get your very own.

Growing plants is one of the most therapeutic and environmentally beneficial hobbies anyone can foster and gives you a perfect chance to try out your green thumb.

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