Miami News

Emergency Wildlife Rescue Made Possible Through Teamwork

MDFR Wildlife Rescue of Dade County, and the Ron Magill Conservation Endowment Came Together for the Emergency Rescue of a Bald Eaglet

A bald eaglet fledgling was rescued in an incredible combined expert between the Miami-Dade Fire Rescue (MDFR), Wildlife Rescue of Dade County, and the Ron Magill Conservation at the Zoo Miami Foundation.

What happened to the fledgling eaglet

The eaglet was stuck in a very tall tree at the conservation after getting stuck on a tree due to a monofilament line getting stuck on its leg. The line got dragged across the nest, although the eaglet was able to break part of the line due to the force of flight.

The eaglet was unable to free itself from the rest of the line, after which MDFR stepped in along with the Wildlife Rescue of Dade County and the Ron on Magill Conservation which has worked tirelessly to preserve and conserve animal species.

The effort allowed them to free the fledgling and clear the nest of the remaining monofilament line. This is a major milestone in the incredible story of “Ron” and “Rita,” which has gained international attention. The successful fledging is the cherry on top of this wholesome story!

A bald eagle makes a call with its beak wide open.

More about Rita and Ron’s incredible story

Ron and Rita are Miami-Dade’s own bonded pair of bald eagles, which have won the love and admiration of both local and international outlets. People across the world have watched this incredible pair bond, mate, and lay their first set of hatchlings.

One by one, their fledgling eaglets have taken flight, and this week’s incident was the final one in the lot, making for a wonderful moment. As conservation efforts continue, the world watches in anticipation as this magnificent specie is allowed to thrive.

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