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Mayor Levine Cava addresses the housing crisis, climate challenges, and airport modernization

Mayor Daniella Levine Cava outlines strategies for affordable housing, climate resilience, and infrastructure improvements at Miami International Airport

In an exclusive interview, Mayor Daniella Levine Cava addresses Miami-Dade County's urgent issues, including affordable housing and climate resilience. Amid rising property costs and the pressing need for climate adaptation, Mayor Levine Cava outlines her comprehensive strategy to support the community. Highlighting the significant modernization efforts at Miami International Airport, she reassures residents that these improvements are set to enhance infrastructure, safety, and economic growth, reflecting the County's commitment to a brighter, more sustainable future.

Affordable housing initiatives

Miami-Dade County is in the midst of a housing crisis, with Mayor Levine Cava noting that while salaries have increased, they have not kept pace with the rising cost of living. The county has become a magnet for wealthier individuals, leaving lower-income residents struggling to afford housing. To combat this, the County has 32,000 affordable housing units in the pipeline, though the need exceeds 100,000 units.

One key strategy in the County's efforts to combat the housing crisis involves preventing families from losing their homes. The County has already prevented 27,000 evictions by using federal funds to pay back rent and negotiating with landlords. It also assists property owners with their mortgage payments and condo owners with their special assessments. Furthermore, the County is refurbishing older housing stock to prevent it from being converted into more expensive units. Landlords are being incentivized to maintain affordable housing for 30 years through grants.

Collaboration with developers and community

The County is actively working with developers to incentivize the creation of mixed-income housing. Fast-tracked approvals and financial incentives are provided for developments that include low and workforce housing, particularly along transportation corridors. County-owned properties are being leveraged to reduce costs, requiring developers to build affordable housing.

Partnerships with various entities, including the school system, faith groups, and County employees, are also being pursued. For example, the County is utilizing school properties to build affordable housing and has completed one such project, with more in the works.

A professional woman in glasses and a suit standing confidently in front of a seal.

Climate adaptation and resilience

Given Miami-Dade’s vulnerability to rising sea levels, Mayor Levine Cava’s administration is implementing several climate adaptation strategies. The county anticipates a sea level rise of at least one foot by 2040. It addresses this through aggressive measures such as updating our building codes, upgrading our infrastructure to be resilient, converting septic systems to sewer systems, enhancing solar energy use, and transitioning to electric buses.

The County’s facilities, including the airport, libraries, and jails, are moving towards solar energy. The County’s transportation system is set to have one of the largest electric bus rapid transit fleets globally. Additionally, a new shore power system recently installed will allow ships at the Port of Miami to plug in and reduce emissions.

Inclusivity in Climate Readiness

Mayor Levine Cava is committed to ensuring that climate readiness initiatives are inclusive. The County is focused on weatherizing homes for lower-income residents, providing grants for energy-efficient improvements, and planting trees to increase the urban canopy and reduce neighborhood temperatures. A recent federal grant will further support the weatherization of low-income homes.

Collaborations and community involvement

The County collaborates extensively with state and federal agencies on climate resilience and disaster preparedness. Partnerships with organizations such as Feeding South Florida and Farm Share ensure food security during disasters. The Ready Miami-Dade app and the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program enhance community preparedness and resilience.

Airport modernization

Under Mayor Levine Cava’s leadership, Miami International Airport (MIA) is undergoing significant modernization to become future-ready. With $9 billion in capital improvements and increased maintenance, the airport is addressing long-standing infrastructure issues. New terminals, improved signage, and enhanced facilities are part of the “Modernization in Action” program. The airport, which now hosts 100 airlines, is expanding to accommodate its rapid growth.

Economic growth and workforce development

Mayor Levine Cava highlighted the importance of economic growth and workforce development in tandem with addressing housing and climate issues. The County focuses on bringing high-paying jobs and training programs to equip residents with skills needed in emerging industries. Partnerships with educational institutions and businesses are pivotal in this endeavor.

The administration also emphasizes the development of small businesses and supporting entrepreneurs, particularly in underserved communities. Grants and mentorship programs are offered to help small businesses thrive and contribute to the County's overall economic health.

Public health and safety

Public health and safety remain a top priority for Mayor Levine Cava. The County is enhancing its healthcare infrastructure and services, especially considering lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. Efforts are being made to ensure all residents have an improved quality of life through safe drinking water, a healthy environment, mental health services, and life-saving emergency response resources.

For the last three years, the County has invested in several innovative public safety measures, including community policing and crime prevention initiatives, and modernizing our crisis response systems to include mental health specialists. Collaboration with local law enforcement agencies and community organizations aims to build trust and ensure the safety of all residents.

Transportation and Infrastructure

Mayor Levine Cava is committed to improving transportation and infrastructure in Miami-Dade. The administration is working on expanding public transit options, improving road conditions, and developing pedestrian-friendly urban areas. Investments in five key transit corridors and transportation infrastructure support the County’s growth and reduce traffic congestion.

The County is also focusing on sustainable transportation solutions, such as expanding bike lanes and promoting the use of electric vehicles. These efforts align with the broader climate goals and aim to create a more livable and sustainable environment for residents.

Education and youth programs

Investing in education and youth programs is another key priority for Mayor Levine Cava. The County is working closely with the school system to expand initiatives that support early childhood education, after-school programs, and vocational training.

Youth engagement programs, paid internships, and scholarships for higher education are being developed to provide young people with opportunities for personal and professional growth. These programs aim to empower the next generation and ensure they have the skills and support needed to succeed.

Community engagement and transparency

Mayor Levine Cava’s administration emphasizes the importance of community engagement and transparency. Regular town hall meetings, public forums, and online platforms keep residents informed and involved in decision-making. The administration is committed to responding to community needs and ensuring that residents’ voices are heard.

Transparency initiatives include making government operations more open and accessible to the public. This includes improving the implementation of a no-wrong-door policy for County services, providing clear and timely information about government activities and fostering a culture of accountability.

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    • Hi Mr. Bonilla are you aware that you can get a certificate from a land surveyor for FEMA that exempts you from this requirement? This flood insurance requirement is a requirement by your mortgage company not the county, look into it.