The preborn inherent the divine right to life and to have human life protection!
A political organization has proposed a voter proposition in Florida that would acknowledge that the preborn inherent the God-given claim to live during national discussions about abortion rights. On August 12th the Florida Department of State gave preliminary consent for The Protect Human Life Florida committee to proceed with the constitutional"Human Life Protection" amendment proposal on the 2024 ballot.
A little about the Pro-Life organization
A Florida pro-life group is a non-profit organization whose mission is to protect and promote society's most fundamental value—life—through legislation and education. According to them, life should be protected and fostered from the moment of conception until the time of natural death. It is a mission-driven, action-oriented organization with a practical structure that allows for flexibility and quick response to Human Life Protection concerns.
"Human Life Protection" amendment
The pro-life organization must first gather 891,589 signatures on a petition for the amendment to the Florida Constitution to be eligible for the balloting. The "Human Life Protection" amendment must then receive the support of at least 60% of voters in the state.
The plan would provide unborn children with a right to life beginning at conception. It specifies that a spontaneous fetal death or spontaneous miscarriage is neither a violation nor an abortion of the right to life of an unborn child and permits exceptions where the mother's life is in danger.
Florida now permits abortions up to Fifteen weeks, but beyond that, unborn children are protected. Pro-life organizations are, however, fighting the fifteen-week abortion restrictions in court. Before the fifteen-week limit was enacted, Florida recorded 74,868 abortions in 2020.
According to the Charlotte Lozier Institute, the existing pro-life measures protect roughly 120,000 unborn children from abortion.

After the Supreme Court of the United States overruled the Roe Vs. Wade case on June 24, the debate over the right to life for the unborn and abortion is once again in the hands of the state. Anti-abortion campaigners are promoting legislation that gives fetuses the same legal protections and rights as any human, even though almost half of the states have rushed to implement near-total restrictions on abortion.
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