Miami News

Freddy Ramirez: A resilient leader and aspiring Sheriff of Miami-Dade

Freddy Ramirez, the Miami-Dade Police Director facing unexpected challenges.

Alfredo "Freddy" Ramirez, known as a highly-regarded commander and Miami-Dade Police Director, has faced an unexpected challenge as he recovers from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound in Tampa.

With a distinguished career in law enforcement, Ramirez has garnered respect and admiration from colleagues and the community alike. As he navigates this difficult situation, let's explore his impressive background and aspirations to become the county's elected sheriff.

A home-grown leader with a commitment to service

Hailing from Hialeah and raised by parents and Cuban grandparents who fled Fidel Castro's regime, Freddy Ramirez has deep ties to Miami-Dade. Beginning his police career in 1995, he steadily rose through the ranks, displaying exceptional leadership skills and dedication to his duties.

From overseeing criminal investigations to establishing effective task forces, Ramirez's commitment to protecting and serving the public has always been evident.

Freddy Ramirez leading Miami-Dade Police

As the trusted lieutenant to Miami-Dade Police Director Juan Perez, Ramirez was recognized as a future leader early on. Working closely with Perez and participating in significant events, he showcased his potential as the next police director. When the opportunity arose, Ramirez was appointed as the head of one of the largest law enforcement agencies in the U.S. in 2020. Focusing on community policing and targeting serious criminals, he has worked tirelessly to make Miami-Dade safer.

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