Miami News

Biden eases restrictions imposed on Cuba during Trump-era

The Biden administration extends support to the people of Cuba by relaxing certain restrictions imposed by Trump

The President Biden administration recently announced their unwavering support for the people of Cuba, issuing a statement that outlines their plan. The statement said that the POTUS and his administration are deeply committed to the human rights and socio-economic welfare of the Cuban people and will be taking some steps to aid that cause. The administration plans to ease many restrictions that were imposed during former POTUS Donald Trump’s era, including a ban on Cuban cigars.

Among the measures the Biden administration intends on taking, including lifting certain bans and restrictions, here are some major highlights:

Reinstating the CFRP Program

They are bringing back the Cuban Family Reunification Parole (CFRP) Program, which was founded in 2007 and is huge for reuniting Cuban families. The program will help make visa processing and immigration easier and faster to help reunite family members who are stuck across the border.

Making travel to Cuba easier for people

Additionally, they also plan to facilitate easier and more straightforward travel to Cuba. They will help make it easier for US citizens to engage with the people of Cuba, carry out research and data collection, interviews, and more. They will also authorize certain travelers to fly in, including family members and loved ones.

A picture of the White House lit up at night.

Sharing digital resources for economic growth

Another major step by the Biden administration is to offer US internet services, apps, and e-commerce platforms to the people of Cuba, allowing electronic payments between Cuban and American entrepreneurs. They will also be providing training in many economic and business-related areas, including microfinance.

Increasing remittance flows to Cuba

In addition to everything else, a major step they’re taking is the increase of remittance allowance and flows to Cuba. This will significantly help families and loved ones in Cuba uplift themselves, see improved financial standing, boost the economy, and have a major impact on an individual and national level.

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