Two officers and several others were injured during a car crash in northwest Miami-Dade
On Tuesday afternoon, several people, including two police officers, were injured during a car crash in northwest Miami-Dade. The incident took place in the Pinewood area at the northwest intersection of 103rd street and 17th Avenue before 1:30 pm.
Here’s the complete story of the crash.
Pursuit of a stolen vehicle
Things escalated when a stolen vehicle was detected by a license plate reader. According to detective and Miami-Dade police representative Luis Sierra, the uniformed officers located the vehicle.
The primary police offer requested assistance by asking for backup units. Luis Sierra activated the emergency equipment to help the primary police officer. However, a vehicle traveling on 17th Avenue took a left in front of his car, causing a collision.
The police officer lost control and struck two other vehicles.
Overall damages following the crash
The two Miami-Dade police officers sustained minor injuries and are under treatment but will be okay, notes Miami-Dade detective Sierra. One officer suffered injuries to the lower extremities, whereas the other one sustained some bruises and bumps.
Some civilians were also caught up in the car crash and suffered injuries that included a senior citizen. Luckily, they are being treated along with one driver and two officers at the nearby hospital.
Detective Sierra also confirmed that three people were taken under custody after uniformed officers caught them with the video of a stolen vehicle. They also seized their weapon.
Editor’s note: Though the article originally references an officer’s pursuit of a stolen vehicle, they confirmed later that they were not chasing a stolen vehicle.
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