
Spring Break in Miami Will Look Very Different in 2021

Spring break in Miami is a March-long festival that features concerts, city-sponsored dance parties, and more for partying college students. Every year, students from all around the USA flocked to celebrate their spring break on the beaches of Miami—but this year, it’s a different story. The pandemic has resulted in many restrictions and new laws across the globe to limit the spread of the deadly virus.

If you’re thinking of vacationing in Miami, here’s what you need to know about the Covid19 restrictions and seasonal stuff to do in Miami.

Curfews and restrictions

Covid19 protocol calls for curfews and restrictions to reduce crowding in an area. Officials have been reported to have said that Miami Beach will have a series of advanced safety measures during the spring break period, which starts from Feb 22 through to April 12, 2021. This means that there will not only be limited access to the beach but also restrictions on city streets. All cafes will close by midnight every night, along with part of the sidewalk at Art Deco Cultural District. There will also be a limitation on electric scooters, live music, and more.

Parking garages will also be limited to half their capacity, with private security at side streets near neighborhoods. Code officers will also be assigned to limit party boats, and security along Miami Beach will be doubled.

Alcohol restrictions

Alcohol restrictions include a ban on alcohol sales after 10 pm at Miami Beach, and after 8 pm in the Art Deco Culture District. There is no alcohol consumption allowed in public areas such as the beach, and objects such as coolers, tents, tables are also banned from the beach. The city will “aggressively” enforce these laws, with police patrolling the beach to ensure no illegal activity or violations take place. 


In terms of awareness, the city’s marketing staff will be targeting ads to students in college to remind them of all the restrictions and SOPs that they must follow. Banners, trolley wraps, and bus shelters along with aerial ads will be reminding students to vacation responsibly. 

There are several same-day Covid testing locations available all across the county, so if people are feeling unwell, they can get tested ASAP. The general safety precautions that all spring breakers and residents need to follow are social distancing and maintaining 6 feet of distance while wearing masks. 

People aren't allowed to gather in large groups and are supposed to stay out of crowded areas and avoid huge gatherings since that can lead to increased spreading. If you want to know more about how to travel during the pandemic, while keeping you and everyone else around you safe and healthy, you can look at these tips from CDC travelers’ health.

Stay tuned to Calle Ocho News to learn more about hotels in Miami Beach, what's happening in Miami and what to do in Miami. Our blog is a treasure chest for all things Miami!

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