The Space Adventure that is a highly-interactive space exhibit boasts several experiences, including the moon landing
Space Adventure Miami
The US chapter of Space Adventure will kick off in Miami on April 7, 2022. The highly-immersive exhibit is the first of its kind to showcase the moon landing, a feat that has made it a must-see event in Miami. A structure has already been constructed, in Maurice A. Ferré Park, specifically for this exhibition.
Several special guests are expected on the exhibition’s opening day, including Charles Duke, a retired astronaut from North Carolina. He boarded Apollo 16 in 1972 as a lunar module pilot and became the youngest person to walk on the moon. Duke, now 86, will also be recounting an event that happened 50 years ago with the people in attendance.
Notable Tourist Attractions
The engaging exhibition contains 300 authentic NASA artifacts, including recreations of the Mercury, Apollo, and Gemini space missions, which brought humans to the moon.
Most artifacts have never been housed in any space museum across the US. They will be divided across a series of rooms. Notable attractions include the original counting clock and control panel of the Space Center Houston, astronaut gear, cameras that immortalized the moon landings, 1960s computers, devices that facilitated communication between spaceships and Earth crew, food menus on space missions that could last several decades, and personal hygiene products.
The Space Adventure Itinerary
Space Adventure is split into various stages. At the initial stages, the attendees will find themselves surrounded by a 180-degree welcome video that’ll transition into a space setting. The attendees would then travel to the main room and its 300 artifacts.
Once they’re done viewing all the artifacts in the main room, they will walk on to the next room called the Control Room. This room will feature some of the oldest computers used by the NASA Space Center.
The next room is called the “Departure to the Moon,” which would show them the launching from the astronauts’ perspective. Similarly, an adjacent room called the “Arrival on the Moon” would show them the moon landing from the space travelers’ perspective.
Bits and Bobs
The Space Adventure exhibition will also feature still images and motion pictures, documenting the different lunar missions that took humans to the moon and back. There will be virtual reality experiences aplenty, complete with a 5D Cinema.
The exhibition will kick off on a Thursday, and stay open on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday every week, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. It will be a 10-hour affair on Fridays and Saturdays, starting from 10 a.m. as usual but staying open until 8 p.m.
Tickets start at $24.99 for children and $34.99 for adults. A complete itinerary of the tour’s North American leg, complete with locations in the US and Canada, is available for perusal and purchase at
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