art & culture Miami News

The Meaning of Easter, what is your CHOICE?

What does April have to do with Jesus, sexual assault, child abuse, and human trafficking?

April is that time of year that means different things to different people but just like Christmas is about the birth of Jesus, the meaning of Easter is about his death and resurrection. Do not let yourself get confused with Santa in Christmas and the Easter Bunny in April.  The true meaning of Christmas and Easter is about Jesus’s birth, death, and resurrection.

 If you’re not the religious or spiritual type, then take what you want and leave the rest. The gift of LOVE is the Gift of CHOICE.

I think we can all agree that as humans we are living a time we will someday look back on and remember for ages. A time when the world stopped you might say.  I personally feel that there is no coincidence behind why the world might be coming to a halt for all of April.

April is the month for many things but now more than ever we need to make important choices as a species. We should all take this time to make better choices for ourselves our family, our health, our neighborhoods, our jobs, our lives, and our earth.

If you have made bad choices, you are not alone. If you're not happy with the way things are right now, you can always change. The best way to overcome a bad choice is to make a better one. 

Change is not an easy thing.  There will always be a resistance you encounter.  God can give you the strength you need to change habits, thoughts, speech, and behavior.  If you seek God, he can help you make better decisions.  Keep in mind its not always what you want that is best.

Regardless of the changes you feel you need to make I encourage you to not try to figure everything out yourself and have FAITH in God. Pray and ask him to guide you and give you the strength to make better choices.

The meaning of Easter is the time of year when you either celebrate Easter eggs or the resurrection.

What will your choice be?

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April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month

In Mathew 19:14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” It is sad that cases of child abuse and disregard are expected to go up while we are all obligated to stay home.

This pandemic aggravates issues such as isolation, stress, economic hardship, and inadequate child supervision.  There are organizations dedicated to helping families that struggle before they are on the verge of crisis and possibly forget the real meaning of Easter.

The Children’s Home Society of Florida has resources and critical services that can help families in need. They have counselors, parent coaches, and mentors that will leap to action to meet families virtually with HIPPA complaint applications.

If you are struggling with coping and you feel like you need assistance it is ok to admit you need help and seek it.  At the Children’s Home Society of Florida, they are waiting to help. Visit their website for more details by going to for more information.

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April National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month

On March 31st President Donald J. Trump signed a proclamation making April National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month so the meaning of Easter has taken on many forms all related. Sexual assault is a dehumanizing form of violence.  Most of the time, once the body has healed, the mental and emotional trauma that comes with it persists.

Last year the President also signed an Executive Order establishing a Task Force dedicated to missing and murdered American Indians as well as Alaska Natives to battle unacceptable acts of violence.   This task force is improving the collaboration across the Federal Government to make it more possible for law enforcement to address the new cases as well as the unsolved ones.

The DOJ is also providing a grant to facilitate the analysis of thousands of sexual assault kits in crime laboratories across our nation to identify criminals. 

Human Trafficking

Last year the National Human Trafficking Hotline received 12,000 reports of human trafficking in the USA. “My administration will use every tool at our disposal to dismantle this global problem, deliver justice, and ensure the safety and well-being of the survivors” said the President.

Another executive order was signed on January 31, 2020 combating Human Trafficking and Online Child Exploitation in the Unites States.  This action puts a priority on the Federal resources to go after offenders, provides victims with assistance, and education on prevention.

“This month we pause to recognize the devastation caused by sexual assault and to recommit ourselves to eliminating this atrocious crime,” Donald J. Trump.

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