NY State takes strides to set limit of 1, 4-Dioxane at 2 PPM (parts per million) to protect New Yorkers from contaminants and forever chemicals
The New York State has passed a new regulation to ban laundry detergent brands containing more than 2 PPM of a human carcinogen. The goal is to protect New Yorkers from these water contaminants and forever chemicals.
1,4-Dioxane is a chemical byproduct that many laundry detergents contain. The recent tests of popular detergent bands such as Arm & Hammer Clean Burst, and Arm & Hammer Sensitive Skin Free & Clear show more than 3 parts per million of 1,4-Dioxane.
Read the test results and Dioxane state law requirements below:
What do the lab tests say about your laundry detergent?
Commission by Ingredients Matter, a household cleaning brand, Bureau Veritas, conducted the lab test to detect 1,4-Dioxane in almost all popular laundry detergents. That includes plant-based brands and conventional ones.
Following are the test results:
- Conventional laundry detergents such as Arm & Hammer contained more than three parts per million of 1,4-Dioxane.
- Tide’s gentler detergent product lines, such as Tide Pur Clean, Tide Free & Gentle, and Mrs. Meyers, contain .18 to 4 PPM. While these numbers are acceptable under new state guidelines, these detergents still contain 1,4-Dioxane.
- Seventh Generation Free & Clear Tested Batch didn’t contain dioxane, but the chemical test did detect ethoxylated ingredients.
- Laundry soaps by Ingredient Matters aren’t made from ethoxylated detergents, so they’re dioxane-free.

1,4-Dioxane: why should people be concerned?
1,4-Dioxane is a classified probable human carcinogen that many laundry detergent products contain. This carcinogen has been found in drinking water near waste sites and chemical plants, and groundwater.
Since consumer cleaning product manufacturers use ethoxylated chemicals, nearly all laundry detergent products contain some amount of 1,4-Dioxane. The state has taken measures to reduce the levels of this probable human carcinogen to curb Forever Chemicals and contaminants in the water supply.
Consumer cleaning product manufacturers are required to include only two parts per million of this probable carcinogen under the new law. This limit will further reduce to one part per million by the end of this year.
With green-washing rampant in many cleaning brands, it’s hard for consumers to avoid this human carcinogen. It can end up in baby blankets and bath towels or be flushed into the water.
The results are alarming, but more states can take inspiration from NY’s regulations. Subscribe to Calle Ocho News for more updates on health and beauty, fashion and style, and Miami local news. Advertise your business with us today!
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