Miami News

Freelancer Jobs in Miami on the Rise

Freelancer jobs in Miami are ranked number 4 in the country and growing

Fiverr International Ltd., an online marketplace for freelance workers, recently released the findings of its annual Freelance Economic Impact Report. The thorough report identifies the largest U.S. markets for skilled freelancer jobs, a topic relevant during this pandemic in order to assure the safety and protection of freelancers during this time. 

Freelance work is a large part of the workforce in the U.S., from taxi drivers to independent lawyers. Many underestimate the knowledge of freelancers, but according to Fiverr, any freelancer who receives a 1099 at the end of the year requires a specific amount of expertise. 

One of the key findings of the report is that Miami surpassed Washington D.C. as the 4th largest city in the U.S. for skilled freelancers as of 2017. With 176,000 freelancers currently in Miami, that lead is projected to be the same for 2019. In 2019, freelancers are estimated to have earned $8.4 billion. 

Beyond just Miami, Orlando and Tampa are also among the fastest-growing cities in skilled freelancing in the U.S. All three Florida cities have had over 20 percent growth in population and revenue, behind cities like Nashville and Austin. 

In addition, the cities have freelance markets growing rapidly in providing professional services like accounting, management consulting, and legal services. These numbers make sense being that a majority of Floridians are of an older population, at about 65 years of age or older. 

The importance of freelancers is highlighted in the report. “These professionals offer vital skills to local businesses and institutions and also bring in revenue from customers outside their communities, helping to drive local economies,” said the study’s methodologist and principal of Rockbridge Associates Charles Colby. 

The report adds that Miami’s freelance workforce contributes the most to the Gross Domestic Product of the city. Freelancers provided 2.3 percent of the GDP of the city, which is followed by Austin, Los Angeles, and Nashville. 

The report doesn’t just highlight the good parts of being a freelancer, however. The study adds that freelancers do recognize the obstacles that can come along with freelancing. These obstacles include irregular income, access to benefits, and having to provide their own equipment and tools. 

However, while the COVID-19 pandemic has put many traditional workers out of jobs, the pandemic is beginning to highlight the importance of freelancers who are able to adapt to the changing world. 

“As the COVID-19 pandemic has forced employers and workers to reexamine all aspects of the modern workplace and adopt new technologies to maintain pace while from the comfort of home, skilled freelancers are at the forefront of this adoption curve”

Micha Kaufman, CEO and cofounder of Fiverr

“My belief is that coming out of all this, we’ll begin to see a shift in the labor market towards more digital, independent work” 

Micha Kaufman, CEO and cofounder of Fiverr

If you are a freelancer and interested in working with us at Calle Ocho News, please contact us.

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