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Carnival Cruise Line's VP Rich Pruitt Reiterates Commitment To A Sustainable Future

SFLHCC’s Annual Sustainability & Green Visionary Awards Luncheon Highlights Industry Leaders' Environmental Achievements

The Annual Sustainability & Green Visionary Awards Luncheon, hosted by the South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (SFLHCC) at the iconic Biltmore Hotel on August 16, 2024, was a celebration of innovation, dedication, and leadership in the realm of environmental sustainability.

This prestigious event brought together professionals, advocates, and innovators passionate about advancing sustainable practices across various industries.

A significant highlight of the luncheon was the engaging panel discussion featuring Rich Pruitt, Vice President of Environmental Operations at Carnival Cruise Line, who shared insights into Carnival's groundbreaking efforts to reduce its environmental footprint.

Leading the way in greenhouse gas reduction

Carnival Corporation & plc, a global leader in the cruise industry and the parent company of Carnival Cruise Line, has been at the forefront of environmental sustainability, with a clear focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. One of their standout initiatives involves the reduction of 500 million single-use items onboard the ships of all nine of its brands.

Pruitt elaborated on this achievement during the luncheon, stating, "Reducing single-use items is a critical component of our environmental efforts. We've implemented several measures, including offering reusable items such as cups, utensils, and napkins, as well as using compostable takeaway items. Additionally, we've introduced bulk dispensing to eliminate single-use containers for items like sugar, cereals, butter, and yogurt."

These efforts not only significantly reduce waste but also prevent potential pollution in oceans and landfills. By prioritizing the elimination of single-use plastics and other disposable items, Carnival is making substantial strides toward its overarching sustainability goals. This initiative reflects the company's commitment to protecting marine environments and minimizing the ecological impact of its operations.

Innovative food waste management strategies

Carnival's approach to food waste management is another testament to its dedication to sustainability. The introduction of food digesters on its ships has revolutionized how the company handles food waste.

Pruitt explained the process, noting that over 600 food waste biodigesters have been installed across the fleet. These devices "organically decompose uneaten food onboard to just a fraction of the original volume," Pruitt shared. "By aerobically digesting leftover food down to a liquid form, it can be sustainably returned to nature."

This technology has enabled Carnival to drastically reduce the volume of food waste produced on its ships. Carnival is on track to meet or exceed its goal of reducing food waste generation by 40% by 2025, compared to its 2019 baseline. This achievement underscores the company's commitment to sustainable practices and its leadership role in the cruise industry.

Recycling and responsible waste management at sea

Carnival has also made significant investments in recycling and waste management. Every ship in the Carnival Cruise Line fleet is equipped with a dedicated recycling center, where various materials are sorted, processed, and prepared for recycling.

Pruitt described the operation of these centers, stating, "We strive to recycle as many items as possible through recycling collection containers placed throughout our ships and our onboard recycling centers. Our shipboard teams empty, rinse, crush, flatten, and sort items, which are then offloaded at recycling ports around the world."

The company faces unique challenges in maintaining high recycling rates at sea, but its commitment to responsible waste management is unwavering. Carnival recycles a wide range of materials, including plastic, glass, paper, cardboard, aluminum, electronic equipment, batteries, and more. This comprehensive approach to recycling helps minimize the environmental impact of cruise operations and sets a high standard for the industry.

Four individuals seated on chairs, engaged in discussion at a panel event, showcasing a collaborative atmosphere.

Embracing Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) for cleaner operations

In a groundbreaking move, Carnival has embraced Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as a cleaner, more sustainable fuel option for its new ships. Carnival Cruise Line was the first cruise line to introduce LNG in North America, with the launch of the Mardi Gras at Port Canaveral in 2021. Pruitt highlighted the significance of this transition, stating, "LNG produces approximately 20% less carbon dioxide than conventional marine fuel and is currently the lowest-emission fuel available for cruise ships."

The adoption of LNG is a crucial step toward Carnival's goal of achieving net-zero emissions from ship operations by 2050. The company has already integrated LNG into its fleet, with several new ships on order that will be powered by this low-emission fuel. Carnival's commitment to LNG and other cleaner technologies demonstrates its leadership in driving the maritime industry toward a more sustainable future.

A milestone for environmental responsibility

Carnival Cruise Line recently achieved another environmental milestone by becoming the first cruise line to plug into shore power at PortMiami. This initiative allows ships to rely on the local electrical grid while docked, significantly reducing emissions. "Shore power capability is an integral part of our global strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and minimize our environmental footprint," Pruitt emphasized.

The implementation of shore power at PortMiami is expected to reduce emissions by up to 98%, with the annual reduction at one terminal equivalent to removing 7,500 cars from the road. Carnival Corporation's leadership in this area is evident, with 67% of its fleet now shore power-capable—twice the number of ships than there are ports equipped to provide shore power. This achievement aligns with Carnival's broader environmental objectives and underscores its commitment to sustainable maritime operations.

Celebrating environmental visionaries at SFLHCC's luncheon

The Annual Sustainability & Green Visionary Awards Luncheon provided a platform to honor individuals and organizations making significant contributions to environmental sustainability. In addition to the panel discussion where Carnival Cruise Line shared its achievements, the luncheon recognized several Green Visionary Award Honorees, including Miami-Dade County Commissioner Raquel Regalado, David Landsberg President & CEO of Goodwill South Florida, and other leaders in sustainability.

The event also featured a keynote address from Commissioner Regalado. Additional topics explored during the panel discussion included decarbonizing the cement industry, incentivizing electric vehicle use and creating micro-business opportunities through sneaker recycling. The luncheon served as a testament to the collective efforts of businesses, government leaders, and community organizations in building a sustainable future.

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