Miami News

You think you can't afford energy-saving upgrades?

PACE programs finance your projects to improve your home with energy-saving upgrades

If you are a business owner or just a homeowner in Miami-Dade County and you want to buy energy-saving upgrades like solar panels or impact-resistant windows, but you can't afford them, now is possible with fundings from the property-assessed clean energy programs (PACE).

The PACE program will give you some upfront financing for a variety of energy-saving building enhancements and afterward reimburse the obligation through deliberate evaluations on their property charge bills. Third party administrators, previously approved, will provide the funding and the assessment can be amortized over a time of 5 to up to 20 years. 

The PACE-funded upgrades must be legitimately allowed and installed by authorized workers, and they should meet relevant government, state, and local energy, wind and construction regulation gauges.

The County will collaborate with many PACE Districts to create competition so that the property owners can have where to choose from having more options available. In any case, the County won't regulate or operate the PACE programs and the contractual agreements will be discussed only between the property owners and the PACE District, a non-County business entity. One of the first approved PACE District is the Green Corridor Property Assessment Clean Energy District, whose administrator is Ygrene Energy Fund.

The County is additionally negotiating with the Florida Green Finance Authority, with the Renewable Funding administrator, and with the Florida PACE Funding Agency, whose administrator is Counterpointe Energy Solutions. These PACE Districts will be approved in the near future.

Find out more information on The Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources website.

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